Book Reviews

Book Title Here

In Kristan’s book reviews she candidly explains why she recommends the books she reads. If you are a type A, creative, Christian, with a little “racy” thought process, her insights will resonate with you. The 5-star rating gives a snapshot reco, based on content, entertainment, flow/plot evolution, character development, and personal edification/lessons learned.

Book Title Here

In Kristan’s book reviews she candidly explains why she recommends the books she reads. If you are a type A, creative, Christian, with a little “racy” thought process, her insights will resonate with you. The 5-star rating gives a snapshot reco, based on content, entertainment, flow/plot evolution, character development, and personal edification/lessons learned.

Book Title Here

In Kristan’s book reviews she candidly explains why she recommends the books she reads. If you are a type A, creative, Christian, with a little “racy” thought process, her insights will resonate with you. The 5-star rating gives a snapshot reco, based on content, entertainment, flow/plot evolution, character development, and personal edification/lessons learned.