Preparing for and Managing the Media 101 & 201

Something happened…and it’s big! The media is knocking on the door and blowing up your phones and emails. As the media pokes a camera in your face, your heart begins racing. THIS IS A CRISIS. Do you Face Everything and Rise? Or do you Face Everything and Run? In this course you will learn to convert your fear to confidence by realizing that every adverse situation is an opportunity not an opposition.

Through this Crisis Communications: Preparing for and Managing the Media course, individuals and organizations will learn how to find the right words to say under high pressure and FACE the media with confidence. The correct strategic approach in a crisis can make all the difference between a reputation destroyed or a reputation preserved. Be assured, in a crisis, the way you respond tests your mettle.

By the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Know how to manage the media under high pressure
  • Respond, not react, to questions from the media
  • Route around potential interview pitfalls
  • Deliver positive messages that resonate with reputation management
  • Deal with stress/pressure with an “I got this” attitude
  • Develop a personal strategy for responding to the media

Who should attend?

Anyone, especially business stakeholders, who might be in front of the media during a crisis situation.


How long?

101 = 2-day workshop | 201 = 1-day workshop

Related Courses:

Media Training: Managing the Media 101
Media Training: Managing the Media 201
Crisis Planning: Preparing for a Crisis
Rooting and Routing Through Crucial Conversations
Communicating without Word/Body Language Communication