Developing the Leaders Around You
Supremely practical, this training is crammed with strategies to help effectively transform your dreams into reality by building up your people. Your organization can’t grow until its members grow. The key in growing your members is identifying and training potential leaders. You’ll learn how to foster productive team spirit, how to make difficult decisions, what to look for in promising leaders, ways to nurture, encourage, and equip people, how to handle confrontation, and much more.
“Leaders who do not develop people will one day find themselves hitting a wall in their success. No matter how efficient and strategic they are, eventually they run out of time. I found that to be true in my life. I cannot personally create more material than I am currently creating. I cannot mentor more people than I am presently mentoring. I cannot travel and do more conferences than I do now. I am a very energetic person, but I have reached my own physical limits. The only way I can now do more is by doing it through other people. Any leader who learns that lesson and makes it a lifestyle will never hit the wall again. So, I ask you, are you developing the leaders around you?”
Developing the Leaders Around You
Learning options:
- Mastermind