Leading Through a Crisis

Crisis is defined as an intense time of difficulty requiring a decision that will be a turning point.

With everything going on in the world right now, our current global situation certainly meets that definition! The good news is, as John Maxwell pointed out, this crisis—like all crises—will eventually pass. The challenge for the leader is to stay strong and steady through the duration. A crisis is a distraction for a leader. It pulls a leader away from their life focus and towards something else. Whether it’s the breaking news alerts on the evening news, or a panicked report from the Stock Market, there are plenty of things seeking to pull a leader’s attention away from the issue at hand.

Through the John Maxwell team offerings the participant will:

Learn practical ways to maneuver through times of a crisis

Effectively battle distractions during times of crisis and stress

Adopt successful thinking habits to think your way through a crisis

Learning options:

Lunch and Learn


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Copyright © 2024, Kristan Getsy. All Rights Reserved.